Five Essential Steps to Rebranding
Grows Business
November 7, 2015 – Staff
Whether you have a startup or an existing business, Implementing the “Five Essential Steps to Rebranding” will have a sustainable advantage.
The two essential concepts for success are Differentiation and Positioning … What exactly is that and how does one accomplish them?
“Differentiation is accomplished by helping customers to see your company as an industry leader in its space…
“Positioning is about increasing worldwide brand recognition through persistent marketing.” says Max Menius, a long time online businessman and entrepreneur.
Menius goes on to say, “… a company’s web address defines them and is a profound part of that company’s brand & global identity.”
Notice he says, “a company’s web address defines them and is a profound part of that company’s brand & global identity.”
So let’s look at web addresses and see why rebranding involves domains and is essential for many companies to prioritize this process.
Back when the internet came on line on March 12, 1989, the most viable choice for business was .com and it has worked well for nearly 27 yrs.
With new extensions coming online, businesses have many more domain options to help with global branding…
While .com will continue to work for generations, other extensions are opening opportunities for global branding. This branding becomes really clear when domains like 8 dot xyz and 24 dot tv are selling for 1000s of dollars … signaling their branding value.
It’s 2015 and businesses should now look at their web address and see how they measure up to the two key concepts in global branding. Many companies are rebranding right now … preparing for a major advertising campaign in 2016.
What is Rebranding? Rebranding is a marketing strategy in which a new name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof is created … for an established brand with the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors … (Rebranding) competitors, and other stakeholders.
You might ask, “How do I start to rebrand my business and what are the steps?” There are definite steps to this rebranding process.
Lets look at what we call the “Five Essential Steps to Rebranding” and what resources are available to help this process.
Number one in this “Five Essential Steps to Rebranding” is your domain name.
Number two is having clearly defined marketing strategy.
Number three is having an updated logo (remember Wendy’s) that can connect with this changing marketplace.
Number four is knowing who your customers are and having a laser targeted advertising campaign that connects with them.
Number five is follow through … Follow through with the Five Essential Steps to Rebranding. Have a plan and follow through.
Lets look at these “Five Essential Steps to Rebranding” one at a time and look at resources to help get this done.
Many companies have had the same look and the same strategy for years and are watching declining sales without making any changes.
Many new companies are experiencing explosive growth, leaving them in the dust!
“Change is Good” is the message … if it is well thought out … not throwing everything against the wall and see what sticks.
A national burger chain is learning that does not work. Rebranding has to be well thought out … and implemented (follow through).
Look at the domain name. The web address (domain name) has to connect with targeted customers. Miss that target it’s game over.
To learn more about this rebranding, follow us on Twitter by clicking on the tab below.

Filed Under: Domain Names, Domain Owners, Rebranding, Sustainable Advantage, Differentiation, Positioning, Marketing Strategy, Logo, Targeted Advertising
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